Landscape artist and Top Cut owner C.J. David is a people pleaser in the best sense of the phrase: He's passionate about his work. And when a project is finished, his greatest reward is an equally passionate response from his client - a level of appreciation that inevitably leads to customer loyalty, which is C.J.'s standard of success.

Happily, Top Cut claims scores of loyal customers. Some are "annuals," slated for an annual clean-up and bedding change. Then there are once-a-month customers who enjoy ongoing maintenance, seasonal bedding changes and maybe an occasional adjustment to their overall design scheme. Still others are intermittent, calling when they feel the need or when their budgets permit - but they wouldn't think of calling anyone but C.J.

C.J. and Paige, his wife and business partner, believe such allegiance speaks to the integrity of Top Cut's business principles, which Paige articulates eloquently:

  • "When C.J. is spending customers' money, you'd think it was his own. If he wouldn't pay to put it in his own yard, he sure won't sell it to you."
  • "Everything we do is first-rate. We never cut corners. Even if the customer wouldn't know, we would."

These standards are evident in all Top Cut transactions. In addition to the company's official service warranty, Paige says they sometimes extend an unofficial warranty because it's just the right thing to do. "I've seen C.J. pull things out of a landscape - things that simply aren't under warranty - and replace them at his own expense," she says. "That's C.J. His integrity and a happy customer are more important than any amount of money."

Top Cut customer testimonials validate the character of the man and his company. To see what some loyal Top Cut customers have to say, click here.